Monday, May 7, 2012

Blog # 17: Interview 4

1. How can a guitarist benefit from playing alongside other instruments?

2. What must you focus on learning the most? (repair, music etc.)

3. How might knowing guitar repair help you along the way?

4. Who or what can you go to when you want to learn the basics or more advanced guitar repair?

5. How can a broken or badly maintained guitar affect the musician?

6. If you don't have the means of getting a guitar instructor what can you do on your own?

7. What can you focus on when you sit down and practice guitar?

8. What is the biggest obstacle faced when playing alongside other instruments?

9. Do you have a practice routine? If so, what does it consist of? If you don't have a routine then how do you practice?

10. When you began playing guitar did you have experience playing any other instrument or along your career?

11. Did you learn everything from and instructor? If not, then how?

12. What would you say is the most essential part in playing the guitar and why? (not including guitar itself)

13. What is your definition of an accomplished guitar player?

14. How expensive would you say all your tools add up to? How long did it take you to collect them all?

15. How many years of training in repair or guitar playing until you can say you play well and why?

16. When you're replacing all pieces of a guitar, where would you start first and why?

17. When you first began playing guitar was it your mindset to make a career of it?

18. Do you think that playing guitar is something that can be learned or does it just come to certain people?

19. How do you help your students with practice or playing in general?

20. What do you think is the best way to become an accomplished guitar player?

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