Friday, February 10, 2012

Blog #15- Independent Component 1

I did not do a calendar but have a time log with the signature of my choir leader each day.

(a) Statement saying: "I Max Torres have completed my Independent Component which consisted of playing within my church choir, ad I have completed the assigned 30 hours."
(b) All I did was go to the choir practices and being there to okay every mass which took lots of time and ven patience because 10am to 3pm is a long time.

Being in a choir is not easy, I got my hours by working non stop every time I have allotted for each day. If were not carrying equipment or setting up which takes a short period of time I was either playing during a mass or I was in practice with the choir I am in possibly practicing for an upcoming event or to learn new songs.

My independent component has allowed me to further answer my EQ by proving my first answer to be correct. My first answer was that playing along with other musicians will allow you to further become an accomplished guitar player, and it's true. I had to play along with a bass, a piano, other guitars. There has been a few times in which I needed to play along with an accordion player and even a flute. All these different experiences allow you to better master your talent because it allows you to feel comfortable with other people and playing styles. All of this furthers your knowledge in music whether it be playing styles, music genre, etc.

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